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Chipotle Evaluating Farmesa Concept


The New Ventures Team, a subsidiary of Chipotle Mexican Grill has developed a restaurant concept termed Farmesa that will serve menu items in bowls.  Combinations will include a protein as center of the dish comprising either beef, salmon, or chicken in combination with sides, greens and a choice of sauces.  The concept is being tested  in Santa Monica, CA. offering a limited menu to determine customer response.  Chipotle selected the Kitchen United Mix food hall for the project and is offering pickup and delivery.


Nate Lawton, VP of New Ventures at Chipotle stated, “launching Farmesa in the Kitchen United Mix Food Hall in Santa Monica and partnering with DoorDash and Uber Eats will allow us to reach a large number of consumers, allow us to learn quickly and evaluate our concept and menu so that we can deliver on our goals before expanding”.