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Perpetrators of Ransomware Attacks Arrested


The U.S. Department of Justice announced the arrest of Yaroslav Vasinskyi, in Poland and Yevgeniy Polyanin in Romania.  Both Ukrainian nationals were responsible for the REvil ransomware attacks on Kascya Ltd. that impacted 1,500 businesses using Kascya software.  REvil earned over $580,000 from these attacks according to Europol.  The largest known ransomware attack to date involved JBS USA Holdings that paid an $11 million ransom.  The U.S. Department of Justice has recovered $6.1 million of this payment in the form of digital currency.  Chatex a Russian-based crypto currency exchange was involved in the ransomware payment and has been indicted by the DOJ.


In an announcement, Attorney General Merrick Garland noted, “These arrests demonstrate how quickly we will act along with our international partners to identify, locate and apprehend alleged cybercriminals, no matter where they are located.”  In June, President Biden met with his Russian counterpart President Putin to discuss cybercrime. Russia agreed to take action within its borders with regard to known criminal ransomware operators.