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Speedway Convenience Stores to be Acquired by 7-Eleven


Marathon Petroleum Company will divest 3,800 stores in 36 states to 7-Eleven in a $21 billion transaction.  Joe DePinto, CEO of 7-Eleven stated, "we are very excited to welcome Speedway into our family.  Speedway is a great brand and a strong strategic fit for our business that diversifies our presence through the North American market.


The acquired Speedway locations increases the 7-Eleven store count in North American to 14,000 and extends the footprint of the company into 47 of the 50 most populated metropolitan areas.


In an agreement with the Federal Trade Commission 7-Eleven will sell a total of 293 of the acquired stores in three separate transactions to independent operators of convenience stores. The sales will include 63 locations in California, Arizona and Nevada; 124 in the Midwest and 106 in the mid-Atlantic region.