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COVID-19 Impacted Customer Satisfaction with Supermarkets


The American Customer Satisfaction Index for 2020 fell 2.6 percent to score 76 out of 100.  Decreased satisfaction was evident across virtually all chains with 17 out of 20 earning lower scores in 2020 compared to 2019. 


Trader Joe's was ranked first in both the supermarket category and the retail sector with a score of 84.  Four companies tied for second place among the top-tier chains scoring 82. These comprised Costco down one percent from 2019; H-E-B was down two percent; Publix down one percent and Wegmans down two percent.


Aldi slipped four percent to 80 attaining the same satisfaction score as Sam's Club. Companies with low scores included South Eastern Grocers at 73, Albertsons and Walmart tied at 71.


In evaluating data for 2020, Dave VanAmberg of the American Consumer Satisfaction Index stated, "from mandatory closures that halted in-person shopping to stock shortages caused by panic buying, retailers experienced anything but business as usual.  Deliveries from on-line retailers were delayed and customers were frustrated when items were out of stock”.


Notwithstanding complaints, the supermarket industry functioned admirably under difficult conditions including shortage of supplies from manufacturers, delays in restocking and outbreaks of COVID among store personnel. In many instances workers were harassed by uncooperative customers unwilling to comply with masking or expressing resentment for the difficulties imposed by COVID-19 beyond the control of management.